Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Love in the time of Corona - week 3

I knew it was coming but I realize that I was still hopeful that school would resume after Spring Break. I am a hopeful person. Hope is good. Still school has been cancelled for the remainder of the year, meaning I will never be alone in my house again. ever. Also, every trip that I had planned has also been extremely cancelled. And I like to take trips. I need to take trips. I used to take trips apparently. I am still taking trips, around the neighborhood on foot now. Lots of them. But I soldier on. I find myself relating to Easy Company on Band of Brothers that we are watching with Ben and Kristen. You do what must be done and don't complain. Complaining is not an option and what's the point. That may or may not be my Enneagram number coming through.

Today is the first day of Spring Break. We will be spending it in my house. I walked by a neighbor who set up a blow up pool, umbrella, and lawn chairs to give her daughters some kind of spring break, nice. Another neighbor is making Micky Mouse pancakes and taking them on a virtual spring break at Disney complete with a parade. She needs to be a Preschool teacher!

I decided to egg Kristen's house.  Before you call the police, it is actually a good thing. I filled plastic Easter eggs to hide in her yard for Wyatt and Piper to hunt. Inside the eggs were items related to Bible verses about each day from Palm Sunday to Easter. So sweet to look at the Easter Story through the eyes of little ones. Piper also came over to dye Easter eggs which was fun since she is adorable and in desperate need of diversion like everyone else. Piper has a tutu for everyday!

Every member of our family is handling our quarantine differently. Eric's life has hardly changed at all since he has worked from home for several years and loves it. He is slightly annoyed that there is more noise and activity in the house, but he is very capable of tuning us all out very well. Thank goodness for our basement!

Summer has taken to writing letters with stamps to friends and family and is still in denial that school is out. She gets down about not being able to go to school but her attitude is mostly, " this is not happening". One of her friends that she has identified as her new "best" friend is sending letters and care packages daily with ramen and stickers and balloons with confetti! Summer doesn't deserve this friend.

Lucas is doing pretty well as he has more time to go outside and play tennis, soccer, etc. with Wyatt who is loving the attention he is getting from his older uncle. Lucas is perfectly fine to spend minimal time on school work with minimal expectations which is what the school is requiring right now.

Stormy's classes have moved exclusively online so has school work to do and she is not working. She is communicating frequently with her boyfriend who is equally bored with no job to go to.

I am so very thankful for streaming strength and cardio classes, yoga classes and our treadmill! They are a necessary escape and so much cheaper than a Target run! I also love the additional prayer zoom chats with various prayer groups and more time to read the Bible and memorize scripture. The time is definitely uncovering the useless things in my life that will burn up and not last.
 For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. Deut. 4:24

The biggest challenge for me is watching my teenagers not take advantage of all this extra time that they have and put it towards learning something like a foreign language or a musical instrument or making face masks to donate or anything besides watching memes! Even reading a book with some literary value would make me smile.

We are spending more time playing family board games and watching movies together, cooking together, doing virtual church together, basically doing everything together. It's like Little House on the Prairie with memes and Zoom. Conflict resolution and bearing with each other are daily themes and a great opportunity to teach them without outside influence/temptations of peers and social pressure.

 You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way,and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deut. 11:18
God is serious about this and seems like He is trying to make a point if you ask me.

 I actually love the challenge of being in quarantine. I love a challenge and this is one. It is a challenge that I can choose to be content where I am in my house, with my family, with my God. I accept.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24