I recently spent some time with my 28 year old daughter, Laura and my 17 month old granddaughter, Lucy. Taking care of toddlers absolutely falls into the same category as childbirth in that one forgets how exhausting it is to keep up with these busy little people. My advice stands, have babies in your twenties! Laura is pregnant with her second so she is taking this piece of advice to heart. You also look fine during this decade without make-up which is a good thing because you do not have time to apply any. Laura carried her make-up bag from place to place with no chance to put it on all day. And I was along to help with Lucy!
The day got particularly interesting when Lucy was awakened from her nap in the car at Panera Bread and let us and everyone in line know exactly how she felt about that. On the way out, we saw that there was a drive through! This is good information to have for the next time we have a sleeping toddler in tow and need to get lunch.
Forgetting how fast a toddler can get herself into precarious situations, I turned around in my kitchen only to find Lucy had climbed half way the stairs and racing to get to the top when I went to got to her. Later, I found myself actually painting her tiny fingernails bright orange to entertain her, much to the horror of a woman in the baby department at Target. I can't believe I'm that grandmother! I just hope this woman didn't see Lucy face down in the Target parking lot possibly eating something while we were trying to adjust her car seat. I do hope I get another chance to prove myself worthy of taking care of Lucy, now that I've had a chance to rest up.